Many Ways to Give!
Mt Calvary strongly believes in the power of testimonies and giving, supporting missionaries and various ministries to contribute to our church's service. There are multiple ways to give!
Mt Calvary cree firmemente en el poder de los testimonios y de dar, apoyando a los misioneros y a varios ministerios para contribuir al servicio de nuestra iglesia. ¡Hay múltiples maneras de dar!
In Person
A great way to give in person
One of the many ways to give is simply by attending our service and giving or by going to the front office located at the entrance of the church.
​Una de las muchas maneras de dar es simplemente asistiendo a nuestro servicio y dando o yendo a la oficina principal ubicada en la entrada de la iglesia.
Other Ways To give
Churhc Center App
Another way to donate is online using Zelle to or through the church center app at Mount Calvary Family Worship Center.
Otra forma de donar es en línea usando Zelle a o a través de la aplicación del centro de la iglesia en Mount Calvary Family Worship Center.